Kinoscope Retrospective: Experimental Short Films of Eric Leiser



On Friday, October 16, KINOSCOPE  has the enormous pleasure of presenting a very special retrospective of the most earliest to most recent work of artist and filmmaker Eric Leiser. Also joining us will be composer Jeffrey Leiser, who provided original music for 29 of the 30 short film program.

It’s noteworthy to mention that this year KINOSCOPE reaches its 3rd anniversary. Therefore, its program will reflect a great variety of different film movements and genres. We’re clearly sticking to our roots, starting with this incredible experimental piece! Program starts promptly at 7pm. 

A brief post-screening discussion and Q&A will ensue, followed by a reception. Open to the public and free of charge. Hosted by Pawel Wieszczecinski. [Event at The New School]  [Facebook Event Invite]